Supporting Scalable Analytics with Latency Constraints [pdf], PVLDB, 8(11): 1166-1177, 2015
Boduo Li, Yanlei Diao, Prashant Shenoy
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Recently there has been a significant interest in building big data analytics systems that can handle both "big data" and "fast data". Our work is strongly motivated by recent real-world use cases that point to the need for a general, unified data processing framework to support analytical queries with different latency requirements. Toward this goal, we start with an analysis of existing big data systems to understand the causes of high latency. We then propose an extended architecture with mini-batches as granularity for computation and shuffling, and augment it with new model-driven resource allocation and runtime scheduling techniques to meet user latency requirements while maximizing throughput. Results from real-world workloads show that our techniques, implemented in Incremental Hadoop, reduce its latency from tens of seconds to sub-second, with 2x-5x increase in throughput. Our system also outperforms state-of-the-art distributed stream systems, Storm and Spark Streaming, by 1-2 orders of magnitude when combining latency and throughput.
SCALLA: A Platform for Scalable One-pass Analytics using MapReduce [pdf], ACM TODS, 37(4), 2012
Boduo Li, Edward Mazur, Yanlei Diao, Andrew McGregor, and Prashant Shenoy
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Today’s one-pass analytics applications tend to be data-intensive in nature and require the ability to process high volumes of data efficiently. MapReduce is a popular programming model for processing large datasets using a cluster of machines. However, the traditional MapReduce model is not well-suited for one-pass analytics, since it is geared towards batch processing and requires the dataset to be fully loaded into the cluster before running analytical queries. This article examines, from a systems standpoint, what architectural design changes are necessary to bring the benefits of the MapReduce model to incremental one-pass analytics. Our empirical and theoretical analyses of Hadoop-based MapReduce systems show that the widely used sort-merge implementation for partitioning and parallel processing poses a fundamental barrier to incremental one-pass analytics, despite various optimizations. To address these limitations, we propose a new data analysis platform that employs hash techniques to enable fast in-memory processing, and a new frequent key based technique to extend such processing to workloads that require a large key-state space. Evaluation of our Hadoop-based prototype using real-world workloads shows that our new platform significantly improves the progress of map tasks, allows the reduce progress to keep up with the map progress, with up to 3 orders of magnitude reduction of internal data spills, and enables results to be returned continuously during the job.
Massive Genomic Data Processing and Deep Analysis [pdf], PVLDB, 5(12): 1906-1909, August 2012
Abhishek Roy, Yanlei Diao, Evan Mauceli, Yiping Shen, and Bai-Lin Wu
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Today large sequencing centers are producing genomic data at the rate of 10 terabytes a day and require complicated processing to transform massive amounts of noisy raw data into biological information. To address these needs, we develop a system for end-to-end processing of genomic data, including alignment of short read sequences, variation discovery, and deep analysis. We also employ a range of quality control mechanisms to improve data quality and parallel processing techniques for performance. In the demo, we will use real genomic data to show details of data transformation through the workflow, the usefulness of end results (ready for use as testable hypotheses), the effects of our quality control mechanisms and improved algorithms, and finally performance improvement.
A Platform for Scalable One-pass Analytics using MapReduce [pdf], SIGMOD 2011
Boduo Li, Edward Mazur, Yanlei Diao, Andrew McGregor, and Prashant Shenoy
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Today's one-pass analytics applications tend to be data-intensive in nature and require the ability to process high volumes of data efficiently. MapReduce is a popular programming model for processing large datasets using a cluster of machines. However, the traditional MapReduce model is not well-suited for one-pass analytics, since it is geared towards batch processing and requires the data set to be fully loaded into the cluster before running analytical queries. In this paper we examine, from a systems standpoint, what architectural design changes are necessary to bring the benefits of the MapReduce model to incremental one-pass analytics. Our empirical and theoretical analyses of Hadoop-based MapReduce systems show that the widely-used sort-merge implementation for partitioning and parallel processing poses a fundamental barrier to incremental one-pass analytics, despite various optimizations. To address these limitations, we propose a new data analysis platform that employs hash techniques to enable fast in-memory processing, and a new frequent key based technique to extend such processing to workloads that require a large key-state space. Evaluation of our Hadoop-based prototype using real-world workloads shows that our new platform significantly improves the progress of map tasks, allows the reduce progress to keep up with the map progress, with up to 3 orders of magnitude reduction of internal data spills, and enables results to be returned continuously during the job.
Towards Scalable One-Pass Analytics Using MapReduce [pdf], DataCloud 2011
Edward Mazur, Boduo Li, Yanlei Diao, and Prashant Shenoy
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An integral part of many data-intensive applications is the need to collect and analyze enormous datasets efficiently. Concurrent with such application needs is the increasing adoption of MapReduce as a programming model for processing large datasets using a cluster of machines. Current MapReduce systems, however, require the data set to be loaded into the cluster before running analytical queries, and thereby incur high delays to start query processing. Furthermore, existing systems are geared towards batch processing.
In this paper, we seek to answer a fundamental question: what architectural changes are necessary to bring the benefits of the MapReduce computation model to incremental, one-pass analytics, i.e., to support stream processing and online aggregation? To answer this question, we first conduct a detailed empirical performance study of current MapReduce implementations including Hadoop and MapReduce Online using a variety of workloads. By doing so, we identify several drawbacks of existing systems for one-pass analytics. Based on the insights from our study, we list key design requirements for incremental one-pass analytics and argue for architectural changes of MapReduce systems to overcome their current limitations. We conclude by sketching an initial design of our new MapReduce-based platform for incremental one-pass analytics and showing promising preliminary results.